Sarah Miller, now inhabiting the lawyer’s body, sat in the prosecutor's private study, sifting through the mountain of evidence laid out before her. She meticulously examined each piece, piecing together the puzzle of the poisoned victims at the local town bar. The evidence was compelling, leaving little room for doubt. Witnesses' testimonies placed the suspect at the scene of each incident, retelling her interactions with the victims mere moments before their fatal collapses. Toxicology reports further strengthened the case, revealing traces of a rare and deadly poison in all the victims' systems.

Experts said this poison was no ordinary substance. It was a deadly concoction designed to swiftly incapacitate its victims. Upon ingestion, it targeted the nervous system, disrupting crucial neurotransmitters and unleashing a torrent of debilitating symptoms. Nausea, convulsions, and paralysis gripped the victims with alarming speed, leading to a swift and agonizing demise.

Her excitement was palpable. A real murder case!

She fixed her gaze on the papers in front of her, brimming with curiosity. One document, in particular, caught her attention. The sketch depicted a young woman with wavy, auburn hair that fell past her shoulders. She had a fair complexion, with freckles scattered across her cheeks and nose. Her face was oval-shaped, with high cheekbones and a straight nose. The subject’s eyes were a distinct brown. Her lips were slightly parted, with a soft, natural contour, and the corners of her mouth gently turned downward. She had a delicate but defined jawline. Her overall appearance suggested someone in her early to mid-twenties. Notably, there was a visible beauty mark on her right cheek.

Sarah Miller, as if by instinct, touched her right cheek. "It can't be," she murmured. This was her murder case! And she was the prime suspect!

Her breath caught in her throat. It couldn't be... but it was.

Heart racing, she dived into the evidence: the chilling CCTV footage, the damning toxicology report, and the mysterious substance found in her possession. It appeared that Sarah had the ability to concoct powerful toxins from exotic plants, a talent lying dormant within her subconscious mind.

How could this be?

She scrutinized the date of the crime, and a shiver raced down her spine. Oh my god! This was one of those moments when she wasn't inhabiting her body. Was her physical form going rogue while her spirit gallivanted elsewhere?

Was this the dark side of her hidden talent? Was this the price she had to pay for her short-borrowed liberation and freedom?

With heart racing and pulse pounding, Sarah Miller wished this was just a dream. A dream born from her curious mind! As if in great pain, her body contorted, convulsed, and collapsed on the floor.

For what felt like an eternity, she gazed at the ceiling, eyes unfocused, lost in a haze, until finally, she let her heavy lids close...
