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Javelin and Jellyfish

Published by

Brian Oslin

Javelin and Jellyfish by Darksail
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“The Javelin System is a massive steam cannon,” Carl continued, “and it is used to put high G payloads into low Earth orbit. It essentially replaces the first stage of a conventional rocket. The payloads are equipped with a second stage solid rocket booster to complete the journey into low Earth orbit. The Javelins are unguided, and we are simply lobbing payloads into low earth orbit at the lowest possible price. They are all retrieved by a remote piloted space tug. The primary payload is fuel for space operations. Food, liquids and gases and structural materials like beams and fasteners are secondary payloads. The Javelins are long and skinny for aerodynamic purposes and have many compartments. ‘Soft’ payloads will be carried on shuttles with much lower acceleration rates.”

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Brian Oslin

Inventor, writer, multiple patents. Love creating.

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