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Being a Boy

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Being a Boy by Optiskeptic
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Marcus has just turned twenty. He has had a traumatic couple of years during which Covid struck, a relationship with a girl led to an emotional breakdown, doing badly in his A-levels and being thrown out by his mother. During the lock-downs he became a camchat model and was enjoying that until his lung collapsed. He went into hospital and then to live with his aunt and uncle to recuperate. His therapist, a tantrica, recommends he attend an Introduction to Tantra Workshop at a nearby centre. He knows very little about Tantra but is willing to try it if for no other reason than he believes it is all about sex. The story begins on a Friday afternoon in June. Uncle Robin leaves Marcus at the Spirit of Life Centre deep in the Somersetshire countryside saying 'not my thing mate, but enjoy'. Marcus passes the Covid test, is allocated a bed in a male dormitory and told that the workshop will begin in the main meeting space at 8pm. This story follows Marcus as he begins his tantric journey.



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Read Time

1 hour, 24 mins

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Just a struggling writer

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