Sitting alone in the coffee shop with a glass of water and an empty mug, Jewel was waiting anxiously for her date to arrive.

She liked to be early and had already been there for almost an hour before their arranged time.

She became so fidgety in her seat that she decided to try the one thing she swore never to do in public. She was sure nobody was watching anyway.

"Here goes nothing," she muttered the words and placed her hands flat on the table around the glass.

After a few seconds the water began pulsating and little waves began on the surface.

After much concentration from Jewel, the waves began to rotate to form a whirlpool. It slowly extended until it reached the bottom of the glass. Jewel kept this form, she stared hard at the glass, almost forgetting her surroundings.

"Fascinating," said a woman's voice.

The water suddenly stopped moving and Jewel looked up into the eyes of a young woman with black raven hair and green eyes. She sat at the nearby bar watching Jewel with intent.

"Sorry," Jewel responded, although she felt an apology from her side was unnecessary. "You wasn't meant to see that."

"Then my apologies, my love, but you shouldn't do such a thing in a public place if you don't want the world to see," the raven haired girl mused.

Jewel placed her hands in her lap, "Who are you may I ask?"

The girl walked over and took a seat at Jewel's table, "Sadie Shacklebrook, but my friends called me Shade."

"Nice to meet you, Sadie, but I'm afraid I don't have time to talk. My date will be here soon," replied Jewel as politely as possible.

Sadie smiled, "I won't keep you long. I think you and I have something in common."

"How so?" Jewel asked curiously. With her hands still in her lap she reached for her everwatch, ready to press the seek button that would grant her all the known information about Sadie Shacklebrook.

Sadie spotted her arm movements, "There's no need, I will tell you everything about myself soon enough."

Jewel released the watch from her grip and continued watching the girl in front of her. "My name is-" She started but was immediately interrupted.

"Jewel Neville, I know," Sadie finished.

This shook Jewel, how did she know?

"Everwatch, remember?" Sadie waved her wrist and let out a short laugh, "Nothing is hidden."

I'm beginning to feel a little uncomfortable, Jewel thought, out loud she said, "You checked me out already? Isn't that considered rude?"

"Perhaps, ghost child. Anyway, based on your dating history I would guess that's your real cup of coffee coming through the door now," Sadie joked and stood up.

Jewel turned to face the main entrance and saw the blonde girl she had been talking to on everchat enter the shop. She smiled at her and waved for her to come over.

"You never said what we have in-" She turned to face Sadie but the raven haired girl was already on her way out of a side entrance, "Common," she finished. That was strange.

"Hey, Anna," she greeted the blonde and pulled her into a light hug. "I am glad we finally get to meet."

"Me too," Anna beamed, "Who was your friend?"

"Just someone from college," Jewel lied. "Let me get you coffee, toffee latte wasn't it?".

"Yes please," Anna smiled.

After ordering two toffee lattes the girls sat back down at the table and exchanged small talk for a while.

Jewel could grow content with the pleasantries but she was taken aback by Anna's curiosity to change the subject.

"Have any party tricks?" She asked some fifteen minutes into the conversation.

Jewel tried to turn it into a joke, knowing her date would not believe her anyway, "I can alter the molecular structure of water but I cannot turn it into wine."

"Interesting," Anna replied.

"I have a twin brother, I guess fighting to keep him in check is kind of a party trick."

Anna smiled, "Ah yes, you told me about James. Will I get to meet him?"

"No," Jewel replied a little too abruptly. "You don't want to meet that child, he's a moron."

"I will have keep all my attention on you then," Anna said flirtatiously with a wink. This ignited a blush on Jewel's cheeks and she sipped at her coffee.

"I like the sound of that," Jewel finally answered. She wanted Anna to say more playful words. Unfortunately what she said next shook Jewel.

"Are you cold? You look blue," Anna asked with concern.

Jewel quickly looked down at her hands, there did appear to be a blue aura-like glow around them. "Excuse me," she mumbled and stood up.

"Are you ok?" Anna called.

"I'm fine!" Jewel shouted as she paced her steps towards the bathroom without a care as to who looked her way.

She ran straight to the mirror and watched as the blue aura spread around her arms and chest, "What is happening to me?"

With a wave of her hand the tap automatically came on and Jewel directed a splash of water to her face.

Dammit, she had hoped the cold water would shake her from her hallucination. No such luck, the aura now almost completely surrounded her.

Before she could believe things could not get any worse, they did. Jewel did not know how to describe it but her body began to fade.

Her reflection in the mirror became transparent, her body, clothes and she could see the wall behind her through her faded image.

She looked down at her arms again to confirm that it was actually happening to her.

"No, this can't be happening. Whatever it is, it needs to stop!" Jewel shouted at herself as her body disappeared almost entirely.

It had faded into complete nothingness by the time Jewel caught a glimpse of the bathroom door opening. "Shit," she hissed.

It was Anna. "Jewel, are you in here? Are you alright?" She asked worryingly.

"Anna, I can explain," Jewel responded quickly.

"Jewel," Anna repeated. "Are you in the toilet? It's ok, is it something I can help with?"

"Anna, I'm here. I think I'm invisible."

Anna appeared not to hear Jewel. She walked straight past her to inspect the cubicles.

"Jewel?" Anna pushed against each cubicle door, realising they were all empty.

"Anna, I'm right here. Look," Jewel pleaded.

"Why did she leave? Was it me," Anna spoke to herself. A tear formed in her eye and she left the bathroom.

Why couldn't she see me, Jewel wondered. Tears also filled her eyes, "I really like Anna."

After a few minutes and a surrendering to her invisibility, Jewel also left the bathroom. She searched the room and confirmed Anna was no longer in the coffee shop and so decided to leave herself.

"Watch it," came a gruff man's voice. Jewel suddenly realised it was aimed at her. She stood on the street and looked down at herself, she was visible again.

The man had almost walked straight into her not realising she was undetectable only moments before.

"Sorry!" Jewel called after him.

The road in Chelsea was busy and Jewel was aware the blue aura surrounding her had not quite dissipated.

She just had to get home without drawing attention to herself. She had to find out what was happening and to decide whether or not to tell James.
