"What's happening across the UK today guys! Please get in touch on this beautiful morning! We are sitting at 22 degrees in our London studio! It's Wednesday, the 11th of May 2072 and we want to hear from you!"

The radio ever DJ bellowed down the speaker, filling James's bedroom. James however, did not feel in the mood for it.

"Alexa, off," he said with a huff. It had been three days since the bedroom incident and Jewel had hardly spoken to him.

He guessed it was because of the Rachel situation. That or nearly burning her clothes away and then drenching her in water.

This really did make James feel like an idiot. How could he have been so stupid? This thought had been worrying him for more than a day now. He decided it was time to do something about it.

I'll go to her, we'll sort this out now and be ourselves again, was his rational thought as he left his room and headed for Jewel's.


No answer, neither was there an answer to the call of her name. James shrugged his shoulders and opened the door.

"J!" James called again inside the room. Jewel was not in her room but James did hear the sound of running water coming from the en suite.

She must be in there, James told himself with another of what he would call a rational thought.

He opened the door without knocking and walked in, "Jewel, listen, I-"

A long sharp screech cut him short, "James what are you doing!? Get out of here you prick!" Jewel threw her arms up to cover herself, how did he not know she was in the shower?

James blushed as he realised he was gawking at his sister's body for too long. "I'm sorry," he pleaded before turning to face the door. "I just wanted to talk."

Jewel's face turned its own shade of red, "Get the fuck out of here!" She said furiously.

"Sorry!" James said again and quickly stumbled out of the room.

"What is wrong with you?" He heard his twin ask as he closed the door.

Well, she's still in no mood to talk, James thought to himself and returned to his own room.


Jewel was less than pleased with her brother's intrusion. Most of all because of the pervert staring at her, but he had almost caught her doing something she did not want anyone seeing.

She stepped out of her shower and wrapped herself in a towel before turning and facing the running water.

Jewel placed her hand on the glass door. The spraying of the shower reacted to her touch. She was not sure how but just like moments earlier, the water was bending at her will, much like the flame was to James.

Jewel used her finger to draw a circle against the glass and droplets of water were mimicking her movements.

She thought back to when she was inside the shower and how she was able to stop the water mid-flow so it just hung, suspended in the air.

How the water in her palms rose up again, swirled around her and shot into the drain pipe like a bullet. All because she wanted it to.

What is happening to us? She asked herself, I'm not ready to discuss it with that idiot yet though.

Jewel loved James dearly and was a big believer in the twins special connection theories that many would say. She and James had that connection.

Unfortunately, he was an arse most of the time and his perverted actions were more than she could deal with.

She needed space and this new anomaly was not going to change that yet.

"Alexa, play Grannie's playlist please," Jewel told the bedroom as she entered. She dropped the towel and slid on bathrobe.

"Certainly, Jewel. Would you also like me to project your grannie into the room?"

"No," Jewel replied with slight embarrassment. "Why do neither you or James care when I'm undressed? Which reminds me, lock the bedroom door."

"I'm sorry, Jewel, my programming did not mean to cause offence. Bedroom door is locked."

"Thank you," Jewel replied dryly and sat on the edge of her bed, she watched the opposite wall, waiting for it to change.

A video from an old singer named Taylor Swift began playing, the sound of 'Anti-hero' filled the room, one of her grannie's favourites from her own childhood days.

"I get it, Taylor. Maybe I am the problem. James definitely is."

The volume lowers and Alexa interrupted Jewel, "If you would like to speak to Taylor Swift I can project her into your room. I have access to over sixteen million clips."

"God, why can't you just think like a human instead of an A.I. all the time?" A frustrated Jewel replied.

"I do not have access to exact images of God. I-"

"Alexa, mute!"

The A.I. immediately stopped talking and the song continued.

"That's better," Jewel sighed. She watched droplets of water fall from her hair and slide down her sleeve. "I wonder," she muttered.

Jewel held a finger to some of the droplets and they stopped falling. She pushed her hand out and the drops followed until they were suspended in midair in front of her.

"Turn into a dancing woman," she commanded. The drops did nothing.

"Turn into a ring." Nothing.

"Turn into a glass full of water, a bucket. Turn into friggin' wine!" Nothing, nothing, nothing.

"Ok, well I'm not Jesus," Jewel turned her focus back to the music videos, leaving the droplets to continue their journey to the carpet.

She sat in her robe for a long time, contemplating on what all this meant and why she was able to manipulate water.

Was there truth in the childhood fable? Was her power over water there to keep James from being completely reckless? She certainly hoped not. She knew she had to talk to James again though and figure out their new destinies.
