It’s been three weeks since I conquered my first dungeon. After healing, and finding some interesting stuff out about my heritage, it was time to head back to the dungeons. My parents, of course, didn’t make this easy for me. They begged me to give up on being an adventurer, even went as far as bringing my missing brother into. 

Being exasperated, I just sighed and went back to my room. Sitting on my bed, I just felt so discouraged. This was my calling, why couldn’t my parents understand that. I get it, my brother never came back, and it’s been five years, but that doesn’t mean it’ll happen to me. After a few moments, I just got up and started packing my bag for tomorrow. Tomorrow will be so stressful and hard since I am leaving. After packing my bag and checking it twice, I decided a long hot bath was due, I mean, I don’t know when I’ll get a chance to take one again. 

After such a relaxing bath, I get into bed, to get some sleep, since I have no idea what the next dungeon is going to hold for me. That night, my dreamed felt so real. Someone was calling out to me from one of the dungeons, asking to find and help her. She had hair like mine, but I couldn’t see her face, and her voice sounded musical. 

After a restless night, I awaken later than I wanted too. The sun was already high in the sky and my parents were already at the kitchen table drinking coffee. Jumping out of bed, I threw on my clothes and grabbed my bag. When I entered the kitchen, I asked them why they let me sleep so late? They just smiled and replied,“ We thought maybe you changed your mind.” I was furious! I just told them bye and stormed out of the house.

Following the path back up to the dungeon I found before, I didn’t look back. Being so mad at them, I just couldn’t do it. I followed the path like last time, finding the hidden path, and continuing up until coming upon the second door of the dungeons. This one had a small face looking icon with horns on it. I pulled open the door, and stepped inside, not knowing what to expect. 

As I descended into the dark depths of this dungeon, I started to feel an eerie presence lurking around every little corner. I won’t lie, I was a little scared of what could be watching me from the darkness. Drawing my sword helped with the surrounding uneasiness, and me being determined, I moved forward. I had to be prepared for whatever was lurking around in the darkness. 

As I moved deeper, I found a torch and lit it. With my torchlight giving me just enough light to see ahead of me, I started seeing some difference in the walls and flooring. Expecting them closely and carefully, I found they were traps throughout the dungeon. Someone is clearly trying to deter me in my progress. 

Good thing I was clever and resourceful this time around. I was able to navigate the maze like corridors without setting off the traps along the way. Finally, I came to the first corridor that had some armor. Removing my bag, I found a chest piece that looked like it would fit me perfectly, and put it on. It felt like it had some kind of magic infused into it. 

Along the way, I encountered mysterious creatures that I was able to defeat with no issues. After another maze-like corridor, I reached another chamber. This one was a little more challenging. It had a narrow walk way through the middle with a deep chasm on either side. That doesn’t sound too bad, right? Oh yea, I totally forgot to mention that across the walkway was spinning fire flames that I’m going to have to navigate through. Did I also mention that they were in the shape of blades. 

I have no idea how I’m getting past them. Watching them, I tried to remember the timing of each one, maybe I’ll be able to dodge them. After about 15 minutes, I figured I had the timing and pattern down. I went near the first spinning blade, waiting for my opening. I went for it, and boom, I got hit, the blade burning/cutting my arm. Grabbing my arm, I backed away. 

After backing a way, I sat on the floor and checked out my arm. I’m pretty sure this burn is going to leave a nasty scar. How did I miss judge the timing? I swore I had the timing right. I sighed and decided to take a break and eat something while I studied the flaming blades once more. 

Sitting there after what seemed like hours. I yelled and kicked the ground in a frustrated tantrum. As I was finishing my tantrum, I noticed and felt the blue hue again. Sighing and still frustrated, I lifted my hands to take a look at them. Thinking to myself, I wonder if I can project the power out now that I have it again and freeze the blades. I lifted and stretched my hands towards the blades. At first nothing happened, then as I got angrier, the power shot out and hit the blades, freezing them in place. 

I jumped up and down all excited like a little kid. I grabbed my bag and ran towards the blades, maneuvering around them. When I was close to the last one, I started to panic. The first one was back swinging, my ice power wearing off. I knew I had to move. As I crawled under the last one it reactivated, pulling myself faster, it ended up burning into my calf. 

On the other side of the death walk, I opened my bag and started to wrap up my burns. I’ll have to clean them and doctor them later. Standing back up, I started to walk toward the opening in the wall. As I started to enter it, that mischievous little laugh started again. Laughing at me just really pissed me off. 

I finally reached the main chamber that housed the monster I was to defeat. As soon as I entered, an imp revealed itself, calling himself Bastin. He was crackling with glee at the sight of me. He boosted about loving to torment anyone who dared to enter his dungeon, and it had been a very long time since anyone had. I’m pretty sure Bastin was expecting to torture me, but I won’t let that happen. I looked at him with determination and said,“ I will defeat you no matter what.” He laughed and said,“ We shall see, little pet.” 

But I as not one to be easily intimidated anymore, not after Midrina. I dropped my bag to the ground and drew my sword, ready to face Bastin head-on. The imp, being quick and agile, darted around trying to confuse and distract me. After a few minutes, it started to work. I couldn’t keep track of him. I closed my yes, and took a deep breath. 

Not only that, but I had to centering my senses, and gather my focus. After doing this, I started to anticipate the imp’s movements. Dodging a fireball he threw at me, I retaliated with a swift strike with my sword. I missed, of course, and wished I knew how to control the blue freezing power I had defeated Midrina with. 

As the battle intensifies, I started getting exhausted, unleashing sloppily, a flurry of strikes with sword slicing through the air. Bastin seemed to find me amusing. He summoned up a small gust of hot wind that blew me across the cave, slamming me into the wall. A bright light flooded my vision as my head hit the wall. I raised my hand to my head and pulled it away with blood. As I worked to clear my vision, all I heard was Bastin laughing at me in delight. “See little pet, you won’t defeat me, and I’ll keep torturing you,” he said with an evil glare. Finally clearing my vision, I stood up, ready to keep fighting. 

The battle between Bastin and me seemed to rage on forever. He had remarkable skills and determination, but so did I, well, besides the remarkable skills part. I did have courage and an unwavering spirit. This seemed to be enough, the imp started to slow, and his defenses started to get sloppy. I am not sure if it was due to exhaustion or to the fact he started to underestimate me. 

Finally, after so long, I had him. I landed a powerful cutting blow, cutting him in two, that sent him across the cave. He was finally defeated. I fell to the floor in exhaustion, barely able to stand up. I survived another dungeon with minor burns and bruises. Furthermore, I shouldn’t need to rest long this time around. The portal out appeared, along with a chest that had ointments and more gold in it. I gathered it up in my pack and took the portal back home.