I stand in the training ground behind our house. I hold my blade in my hands. I try to stay still with my eyes closed as I focus on the feeling of the chi around me in the world's natural way. The flow washes around, feeling like the waves of an ocean.

I need to keep focus. I will master my lightning art. I may be the first in my family to create a way to manifest our chi in a way we can actually help our country with in times of war. My new eyes will help with my entry to the Elemental Knights.

I focus the energy washing around and through my body into my eyes as they open. Varied shades of blue are the way I see the world. It may be a monotone way, but the chi everywhere has a different darker shading with it. Now, I can see the Elemental arts I am creating.

"You're still working on that eye technique huh?" Kari says from the porch, taking a bite from her apple.

"Yeah. I'll make it something amazing yet." I admit.

The fact that talking is not enough deviation in my focus feels like a huge milestone. I can split my focus into two now. That is going to be useful in a fight, I would think.

"It's weird, I get to watch you train. You used to hate it when I was watching." Kari says with a chuckle.

"I was learning how to focus my chi still. It's easier now that I've figured out more of the way my chi works." I say.

It seems maybe Kari will consider learning about the Elemental arts like myself. However, she wouldn't be a prodigy of a knight like myself. I have been at this as far back as I can remember. From the first time I held fathers sword.

I focus on my blade. I want to ensure the energy I focus into it will become electricity. I am hoping to make a bolt that I can fling from each slice I aim for. If I can get this right, it surely will help me become a truly strong Elemental Knight.

“Well, what’re you waiting for?” Kari prods.

I scoff and let the blade swing. The blade doesn’t release the electric bolt all at once like I had planned, instead creating a slicing beam in a crescent shape. It cleanly cuts through half of the tree it made impact on. I can’t help but watch the smoke from the cut seeping out.

“Woah, that was cool.” She speaks in surprise.

“It’s not what I was aiming to do though. I need to keep trying.” I say.

“Well, that will have to wait, Kasu. It’s time for our daily spar. Let’s see where you are.” My father says as he slides the door shut.

Father is grinning today. He must have something to announce, but he’s waiting for now. I wonder what that is.

“Alright, are we using the training gear again?” I ask.

“Not today. Although, we do have a spectator this time as well.” Father says.

I look over to the side of the porch my father was walking from to see a man with a knights uniform on. He means this is my test, to see if I’m really ready to become an Elemental Knight!

“He’s the examiner for the Elemental Knights, isn’t he?” I ask.

“That’s right, Kasu. I am here to evaluate your skills.” He says.

No introduction? Interesting. Either way, on my father’s call I have to be ready to fight. We’re using real weapons, I suppose they believe this will have me take things more seriously and realistically. They don’t know my resolve. I will succeed.

“Alright. Let’s go.” Father draws his sword as he speaks.

“Right.” I keep my sword drawn.

I won’t let him get the drop on me. I focus my chi into my eyes like before, to get clear sight of how he’s using his chi. I need to know what he’s thinking. I need to be aware.

I see his foot shift in the dirt. I don’t think of it, I simply raise my blade as his energy shifts to his hands. This is my opportunity. I twist my hand and charge electricity into my blade and swing. I release the same crescent slice as before. It may not be what I intended on originally, but it works.

Father manages to twist just from its path as he aims his sword toward me. Electricity gathers at the tip of his blade. He’s using his signature, the electro-cannon. I won’t be able to dodge that when he’s just above me. I focus my energy into the entire blade. Blocking may be my only option here.

The force from the attack has me sliding back. I struggle to keep my blade up. He almost could have had my just by the sheer force of that attack. Elemental Knights must be on a whole other level.

Sparks and electricity fly about the blade. I take a sigh of relief. I must be stronger than this if I am ever to be called to war. I won’t let my dream die.

“Nicely done.” Father speaks softly.

I twist and swing my blade to fire out the electric protections like before. Father moves so easily, it is as if he sees the attacks just as I think of them. He sways from left to right as I keep swinging to hit him at least once.

“There’s got to me more tricks with all of the practice we have had then just these basic moves.” He taunts me.

I can’t let him get under my skin, it would make me more reckless than anything. I can’t let him best me with just mental warfare. I need to make an impression on the knight my father has accompanying him.

I force my energy into my blade, all of it. I am not going to fail the first test I have laid before me. I watch his energy carefully with my focused eyes. I rush straight towards him as he grins. He raises his sword and I swing straight for it.

Let it cut through, that’s the only hope running in my mind right now. I have to break his blade. I can’t help but let my will show on my face.

“I will show you!” I shout.

The area lays quiet as I feel no resistance to my blade. It takes a moment to realize my blade passed clean through my father’s. He looks to his clean cut blade and laughs.

“I’d say you have a fairly strong daughter.” The knight says as he steps into the training ground.

He leans forward with his light blue armor and grabs the piece of the sword that lays on the ground at my fathers feet. He looks to me, his reddish hair only seen from a piece that doesn’t fit within his helm. He laughs as he looks over the blade’s piece.

“So, Youngster, you want to be an elemental knight?” The knight speaks quietly.

“Yeah, that’s true.” I reply. “Since I knew my father was able to join, I’ve wanted to.” I say.

“Don’t you know why your father is not an elemental knight?” He asks me, his voice sounding hollow, as if all life within his voice has passed on.

“No... I don’t.” I admit.

“Maybe it’s time for a story, child.” He sighs.