It's been a week now of training with my father to learn his tricks for swordplay. He has taken the time to explain the usefulness of the blunt end of my blade. Not every hit must be a fatal strike. Sometimes it is best to wear down the enemy.

Today I practice my swordplay alone. Father will be bringing his friend tomorrow for the Elemental Knights test. If I can pass, they will let me be their knight. This will make it so I can ever grow stronger.

I stand in the training ground behind our house. I hold my blade in my hands. I try to stay still with my eyes closed as I focus on the feeling of the chi around me in the world's natural way. The flow washes around, feeling like the waves of an ocean.

I need to keep focus. I will master my lightning art. I may be the first in my family to create a way to manifest our chi in a way we can actually help our country with in times of war. My new eyes will help with my entry to the Elemental Knights.

I focus the energy washing around and through my body into my eyes as they open. Varied shades of blue are the way I see the world. It may be a monotone way, but the chi everywhere has a different darker shading with it. Now, I can see the Elemental arts I am creating.

"You're still working on that eye technique huh?" Kari says from the porch, taking a bite from her apple.

"Yeah. I'll make it something amazing yet." I admit.

The fact that talking is not enough deviation in my focus feels like a huge milestone. I can split my focus into two now. That is going to be useful in a fight, I would think.

"It's weird, I get to watch you train. You used to hate it when I was watching." Kari says with a chuckle.

"I was learning how to focus my chi still. It's easier now that I've figured out more of the way my chi works." I say.

It seems maybe Kari will consider learning about the Elemental arts like myself. However, she wouldn't be a prodigy of a knight like myself. I have been at this as far back as I can remember. From the first time I held fathers sword.

I focus onto my blade. I want to ensure the energy I focus into it will become electricity. I am hoping to make a bolt that I can fling from each slice I aim for. Sometimes I wish we could afford the pop up dummies that the shinjuku clan has access to. We aren't quite wealthy enough for equipment as fancy as they possess.

"Ready?" I ask.

I don't know why I ask Kari if she is ready when I am training. I suppose it is so she is not startled when I activate my techniques. She takes a deep breath and I can tell that is her preparing to see this new form of chi I have been working on.

I swiftly pour my energy into the blade as I slam it into the ground. The jolt of energy lashes out in front of me. The ground breaks and kicks dust everywhere. I close my eyes to prevent the dust from blinding me. Tiny rocks pelt my face and I open my eyes when it stops.

"Kasu, that's incredible!" Kari runs past me to take a look at the tree in front of us.

"I did that?" I can't help but have some surprise.

The tree has a hole cut clean through it, as if a cookie cutter went straight through. I shake lightly as I walk up to the tree with Kari. We look in shock.

The tree is steaming from the hole. The heat of the electricity must have been too swift for the tree to turn to flames. I blink a few times.

"It seems you are ready for the test tomorrow, Kasu." My father says from behind me.

"Between my eyes and new sword skill... I think so." I reply to him.

Father comes to the tree and places his hand onto the charred bark. He stiffens and nods his head. I think he sees the potential in my skills.

"You have gotten past the first Elemental barrier of your life." My father says.

"The first? I can learn others?" I ask.

"Yes, but it isn't easy, especially at such a young age." He answers me.

"Kasu can do it! I wouldn't be surprised!" Kari says excited.

"The heat of the electrical attack you made, is near the fire element temperature with chi." He explains.

"So I should try fire next?" I ask.

"I personally would suggest you cover the weakness of electricity, the earth element." He says. "Then master the fire element last. It will be easier than earth, but you will have three ways of protecting yourself." My father explains.

I shrug. I wouldn't know anyone who knows about the earth element. I know I can figure out the fire element myself, if I'm already so close.

"Who could teach me the earth element?" I ask.

"The Elemental Knights, if you pass the test tomorrow, will gladly appoint you a tutor for your Elemental choices." He explains.

"Has anyone learned all five?" I ask.

"They say that is impossible, but the legends say that is how all chi techniques were born." Father says.

"That's kind of cool." Kari says.

"We have another Who is wanting to be a knight?" Father laughs lightly.

"Maybe one day." Kari says. "I would have a long way to catch up to Kasu!" She laughs.

"You've got a point. But hard work would help a lot with that, if you wanted to be a knight like me." I say with a smile.

She seems surprised that I would think she can be a knight at all. I would never want to crush that dream. It's a noble wish. To work for the king and country, is a high honor to most people of Cirros.

"Either way, your mother wanted to know if you were hungry, it is lunch time after all." My father says.

"Sounds good to me!" Kari bolts towards our house.

I can't help but laugh due to her enthusiasm. She will be great at whatever she does. She is so passionate.

"You too?" Father asks.

"Yeah, then back to training." I say.

We walk together towards the house. I can't help but feel like father is not telling me something about this test tomorrow with the Elemental Knight. I wonder why my father turned them down, so long ago. It doesn't make sense to me.

"Can I ask you something, father?" I request the permission.

"Sure, what is it?" He replies to me.

"What made you say no to the Elemental Knights?" I ask.

"Family." He says. 

"Oh?" I say.

"You were in your mothers stomach, we were expecting you soon. Being a Knight meant I would be sent abroad many times." He explains.

"You chose to raise me and Kari instead of working for the king?" I ask. 

"That's right, you two are my pride and joy." He says.

"Well, I won't let you down. I'll be a great enough Elemental Knight for both of us." I reply.

It shocks my father, the jaw agape lets me know this. I try to keep myself collected. He pats my back gently. 

"You can't let me down. You are amazing already, my child." He says. 

I can't help but feel a sense of pride rise within myself. I will keep my promise. He has no idea how important it is to me to make our family be known to the world. I will leave my mark in history or I am not of the Hitori Clan.

We enter into the dining room of the home. I can't help but notice the aroma of herbs seasoning the food my mother has been preparing. I can't wait for the day to end. Tomorrow I must succeed in becoming an Elemental Knight.