I sit with my fist over my chest. Just focus. It's just a matter of keeping a clear thought.

"Hey Kasu!" I hear a familiar girls voice from behind me.

"Didn't I say knock first?" I huff, opening my eyes to see my little sister.

"Yeah, but it's time to eat. You've been working on your chi all day." She replies to me.

"Right. I'll be there in a minute then." I say to Kari.

Kari, my little sister, has a nasty habit of interrupting my training. I know we are not at war, but my skills should always remain sharp like my knives and sword. I can learn these new techniques, I know it.

I am the youngest knight to the king of Cirros. I achieved it at fourteen. I think sometimes my family forgets the importance of what I do for our land. Not many get to be a knight for the king. Cirros holds some of the toughest of elemental knights, which is why I train every chance I have.

I get up off of my floor mat. It's a simple foam piece, so I don't lose circulation when meditating for great periods. I sometimes will take days to prepare for a mission issued by the king.

I make my way to our little dining room and kneel amongst my father, mother and sister, Kari. It is a quiet moment. We all bow our heads in silence. A way we thank the gods for providing us with our lives and gifts.

Many of the citizens in Cirros practice this. I couldn't speak for the other four great kingdoms of this world. Cirros is only my home land. I have merely sworn my life to protect it and our king.

"Training hard today, Kasu?" My father asks.

"Of course." I say.

"You still want to be an Elemental Knight, correct?" He asks.

I don't get why we are discussing the obvious. He knows that's why I am working so close to the king. Is he being serious?

"Obviously. What are you jabbing at?" I ask.

"Kasu-" My sister goes to correct me.

"It's alright Kari. She has good reason to know." My father says with a smile. "I've been speaking with a friend of mine who just got back from a mission, who happens to be I the Elemental Knights." He chuckles.

"Yeah?!" I exclaim.

"Yes. He wants to test you, himself." My father says. "He only waits to know if you are still interested." He adds.

"Of course!" I accidentally yell.

My mother and sister are laughing lightly as they serve out our plates for dinner. I can't begin to imagine what training with an Elemental Knight will be like. They are well known for each of their respective kingdoms.

I can feel something spark throughout my body. I widen my eyes. I can't believe that's the missing part of my technique!

"What kind of test is he gonna try?" I ask.

"He wants to personally assess your skills." My father replies. "A duel. He won't be going full tilt on you, obviously."

"Understood." I say.

"So get to eating. Then, return to training." He says with a smile.

"May I request a sparring session later then?" I ask.

"Certainly." He replies.

"Kari, we're probably going to want to make some training mixes for them." My mother says as she places the last plate in her own spot.

"Okay!" Kari says excited.

She always did love helping our mom around the kitchen. Father usually was the one to work for the knights, like me. He was offered to be an Elemental Knight, but declined. I never asked why.

I sigh. Looking over dinner quickly washes thoughts from my mind. I start grabbing the cutlery and just diving into my dinner. Roast, gravy, potatoes and carrots. Talk about a way to fill a hungry man up!

My family tends to eat fairly quietly. Today I am too busy trying to stuff my face to bother even paying attention to the conversations at the table.

"So, tomorrow I'll see when he can test you." My father says. "Kasu? Hello?" He tries getting my attention.

I look up with a piece of meat hanging from my mouth. My father chuckles. I think he forgot I'd been training all day.

"Mmhmm" I nod with the meat in my mouth, trying to chew still.

"Alright. So I'll help you prepare as promised." He smiles.

My sister and mother are quiet tonight. They may be happy for what I am becoming, so young. But, my family also, must be worried. The Elemental Knights face in some of the deadliest wars known to humankind.

I finish the mouthful I have. Now, I want to share my revelation with my father. He surely will be impressed.

"I think I figured out how to summon the lightning element finally." I say casually.

"What?" He sounds surprised.

"It's a spark. If I build my chi in one point, I can feel the heat. However, it never sparks. I need to make it a spark, not heat." I smirk.

"You certainly are a clever one." He laughs.

"Minimoto, shouldn't you be teaching her this after dinner?" My mom asks.

"Well, she thinks she's got it, I'll let him show me if he does. I'll see if I have to teach her then." He replies to mom.

"You're really becoming an Elemental Knight aren't you?" Kari asks.

"That's been the plan all along." I admit.

"You're worried too, aren't you?" My father says to me.

"A little. It's the fiercest warriors of the kingdom I would be ranking with." I sigh. "It's a lot of pressure." I admit.

"That and you would be the first in five generations." My father adds. "I understand. You will do us proud." He smiles softly.

My family has always been a supporting factor to my will of becoming the best knight our family has seen yet. I will prove it to father even! That is, after we finish this meal.

"The shinjuku boy from your division is also up to be an Elemental Knight." My father likes to explain everything to me.

He never has had the habit of leaving me out of things. It may just be why I am so ready so soon. But the adventure will only begin for me. Knight hood was not easy in the prior years, even in a time of peace.

The king has been precautions even so. We will always be ready for war, to be safe. Cirros is always finding ways to use chi to help even improve the day to lives of everyone. There are other kingdoms that have focused their talents for other means though.

"They'll pick me." I say flatly.

"Well, you've been training and working hard. We will see if it's been enough." My father scoffs lightly.

"Right, if anyone has shown the work for it, it's you Kasu." Kari smiles.

"Just remember what it means to be an Elemental Knight, Kasu." My father warns. "The Ten Scrolls." He adds.

"I know we can't let our two of the ten scrolls fall in the other four kingdoms hands, at any cost." I reply.

"Exactly. War or peace, you'll be protecting the power of our kingdom." He says softly. "It's an Elemental Knights duty to fight the wars, protect the scrolls and most of all, honor their king." He adds.

I finish my plate, crossing my silverware over it. This is an etiquette we practice in Cirros as a polite way of saying we finished out meal. I can only imagine what the other kingdoms are like, as the land of white lightning is my home, Cirros.

"Even the king seems to be on edge lately." I say.

"He may believe the rumours, of us being close to war." Father explains. "It's the Elemental augmenting metals we all rely on that are becoming scarce." He adds.

"I see." I say.

My father crosses his silverware and smiles. I can't wait! Time to train!

"Ready?" Father asks me.

"Of Course!" I hop to my feet with fire in my heart.

"Let's go out back then." He suggests.