Brook, a genasi of the water tribe has been a pleased hobbyist of magic and archery. She had not any means to waste time. addressing the issue at hand is always her priority. She may be calm and flowing like the water she came to be born with.

She knows that fire genasi were ill-tempered. She is a calm person. Sitting with so many was not normal for Brook. She was weary of Eladorn and Silicia. She absorbs what's surrounding her. For her, being surrounded by so many various species is a challenge. It's hard to predict so many individuals in one place.

"It's something Eladorn, you've managed a magnitude of individuals, so now what?" Urivalur asks.

Brook ignores the fact it took a repetitious action to get her question out. She knew this was normal with her race. Some are always hesitant to address genasi in general.

"Well, we have a suspicion the tree of life is under plot for a siege." Eladorn starts to explain.

"By who?" Gordon asks.

"Alderai." Eladorn explains.

"Who exactly is that?" Urivalur interjects.

"Well, he is a dark elf, so we know he was either involved or born of, one of the original elves to attempt to control the tree." Eladorn elaborates.

Brook watches the group gather the information for her. Sometimes being silent meant being the most knowledgeable in the topic at hand. She knows its still time to wait to show how she brought value to the team. Nethhiri has skills of stealth. Brook knows that she will be able to gather the information and create a plan.

"So, get a high elf?" Gordon asks.

"I'm right here." Urivalur groans. "That only makes me familiar with the history of this. Explain more to me Eladorn." Urivalur adds his demand into the statement.

"Well, between all of you, there should not be much in the way of weaknesses. We can't say who is under his command. Lately the wildlife in the area have been acting very much out of sorts." Eladorn says.

"Even the wildlife?" Brook asks.


"What about the Forestlings?" Brook follows up with another question.

"We can't say for sure." Eladorn sighs.

"So, if we can't tell how they are doing what can we do to help?" Brook asks.

It seems the group is clueless besides Eladorn on what exactly a Forestling is. Brook understands fully well the Forestlings are spirits of the forest of which are there to protect wildlife from going extinct. Much like the elemental Fae. Although Brook knew their kind to be tricksters.

"We can ask the Fae of the forest." Gordon speaks up.

"Fae are tricksters." Brook quickly slaps Gordons suggestion from the air.

"So are Tieflings, your point?" Nithhiri shoots Brook a rather deep glare.

To Nethhiri this was a dig that she wasn't trustworthy. Brook had no intention of that in the statement. Brook felt it was wise to try to protect the group from undue harm.

"It's not like that, Nithhiri." Brook says.

"Perhaps we just go visit Cyleth." Eladorn suggests.

"Oh! If you do tell him I said hello." Silicia chimes in.

"Got a crush on the librarian Silicia?" Eladorn jokes.

"No." She replies with a stern tone.

"So, where is Cyleth?" Brook asks.

"He'd be Boulders Gates librarian." Nethhiri chirps.

The group seems suspicious to one another. They still have yet to understand why a large group for one target known of. Nothing seems right to any of them, as they all shift to face Eladorn.

"What are you hiding about this?" Urivalur smirks. "There's always a hook." He seems confident in his statement as he kicks his boots upon the wooden table.

"He's got a point." Nethhiri adds to the statement.

"I can see why you all are suspicious and I can't emphasize how much you all under estimate the potential threat." Eladorn says.

"What is that exactly?" Brook asks.

"The ancient dragons, right?" Silicia adds to the question.

"The what?" Brook and Nethhiri both react in unison.

Gordon wears an expression of surprise. His jaw is wide open. The surprise of mention of ancient dragons has been something of a career dream of his. This he knew he wanted in on and he leans in wearing an expression that only shows a pure obsession with the sudden topic change.

"There are three legendary dragons that are the original ancient dragons. They have caused the population of dragons since creation itself." Eladorn explains. "These dragons in particular are known to cause havoc if they feel the tree of life is threatened." He adds.

"I see." Nethhiri says.

"Well, let me add a bit then." Urivalur pipes up.

"You know of the ancient dragons?" Eladorn looks a little surprised.

"Of course I do, I haven't encountered an elf who doesn't. They are the whole center point of our faith, and how the dark elves came to be." Urivalur says.

"Well, let's hear it." Brook says.

She had to know what she was up against, Brook never wanted to ever go in unaware of things when it came to a mission. She has a bit of a disdain for surprises. She looked at Urivalur. The group all sits quietly. Even some of the other patrons come by to hear this. Dragons are indeed a rare topic in Alteria.

"Well, the tree of life was the embodiment of the life spirit. It bestowed many varying seeds. The first three seeds it bestowed bore the fruit of three legendary dragons." Urivalur starts. "So, the other seeds, needless to say, became all the other life in the realm." He explains.

"So that's why someone would want to control it, somehow." Brook says.

"Indeed. This brings me to the next part of the legends I grew up with. There was a group of genasi and elves. They decided that they wanted to take control of its area, they felt that we being the closest races to the tree, we would be rightful to protect and use it." Urivalur says. "But the elves that were involved and bore children would forever be marked as dark elves. The genasi lost most of their abilities and in turn the djinn vanished as well." Urivalur adds.

"So this tree in itself has magic ability. The dragons have its favor." Brook says.

"Yes, but that's it, no elf nor can a genasi set foot near the tree again. The tree will likely react. If Eladorn is right about this Alderai guy, we likely have a full scale war coming." Urivalur says.

"That's not good." Nethhiri says.

"Well, it gives us a chance to start preparing, or beat him to the punch." Eladorn says.

The group all is thinking deeply. How would any of them be able to fight some one who they know nothing about. Where would they even begin?

"Perhaps we should see Cyleth then." Silicia smiles. "He's an elf and a librarian. Maybe he would know something about Alderai." She adds.

"A library?" Nethhiri sighs.

"Well, it can't hurt." Gordon says.

"Then off you guys go, I'll be here with Silicia for the time being." Eladorn says.

Brook, Nethhiri, Urivalur and Gordon all get up from the table. They look to one another. Gordon heads to the door first to open it. the cool outdoor air has nothing but a rush of wind striking through the tavern. Silicia shivers with a grin. her flames flicker a little brighter with the door open.

Urivalur takes the lead out the door into the bustling marketplace of Boulders Gates. Nethhiri quietly follows along in his shadows casting. Brook heads out after them as Gordon exits closing the door behind them all. Now it was just a matter of finding Cyleth, the librarian.

The sound of footsteps clatter across the cobblestone roadway as they venture past the central fountain ahead into the section of town they call 'the trove'. Brook knows the trove isn't actually a bad place. Nethhiri actually has a good knowledge around this area of town. it's one of her hiding spots.

Gordon clears his throat as they continue along the road through the trove. It' darker in this section, shadows seem to be the majority of what dwells within its streets. Urivalur seems to be a little out of comfort. Although his home was always rich of light and prosperous economies that thrive so well no on knows what hunger really is.

These varying comrades begin the approach to the dark stone built cathederal-esque building. The doors to it are deep colored mahogany wood held up by rusted steel hinges. The group all looks at one another, each in their ways debating what could possibly lay ahead of them as they begin to investigate into the tree of life and all its secrets. what will they be able to do to stand before such great forces? They all hope inside that they can get their answers from Cyleth the librarian.