Nethhiri was always taught to put survival first. She was the tallest tiefling in Boulders Gates. The small one had rapidly grown and had their name never be known to the masses. She knew the shadows well. She shared a very deep love for the history and legends of the Island.

She had grown up in the southeast section of the island and had known of the story the local barkeep Silicia had to hide from the world. She respected that as she herself had many. Nethhiri became a keeper of secrets and arts over the period of her first fifty years of life.

The locals all know her to be a friendly tiefling. The residents in Boulders Gates, they believe tieflings have been from the gates of the underworld due to their inherent demonic appearance. Most tieflings have horns and thick hide for skins like most dragons.

Today Nethhiri has decided to walk around the market to pick off the travelers. She stays in the center of town, with her black hood up that has purple edged embroidery. She would appear like a lost girl in this hood. She would wait for an eager person to aid a small child. She sits on the edge of the fountain in the center of the cobblestone path that the locals deem the town square, regardless of its circular shape.

A man, wearing an all-navy blue robe approaches the hooded Nethhiri. He would sit beside her with his hands crossed over, his red ember-like skin would show in his hands. His skin looks as if he is living molten rock.

"What is the matter?" The hooded man looks at Nethhiri.

"I need to get some gold for food." Nethhiri replies.

"Well, If you come with me, we can teach you to make an honest living." He says as he lowers his hood to reveal his hardened face covered in scars and his purple medium length hair.

"Sir, I don't know what you think you're suggesting-" She goes to speak, being cut off by his hand over her mouth.

"I'll take you to the Dragons Tankard, we can talk job details there." He cuts her off. "I am Eladorn." He grabs onto the ouths hand and leads her towards the tavern.

"You know Silicia?" Nethhiri asks as she sees the Dragons Tankard down the cobblestone road.

"Yep, we go a fair time back." Eladorn chuckles.

"So, what's brought you to this little slice of Alteria? This Archipelago can't be all there is to want in an adventurer's life?" Nethhiri would ask the Genasi.

"Ah, there she is, right on cue." Eladorn says with a scoff, pointing out a light brown tattered robed person.

The robes they wear look filthy, as if they had been travelling non stop for months. The robes are saturated with water. Nethhiri raises an eyebrow as she comes to notice this. The water would slowly reform into a ball and work its way back to the strange robed individual.

"Eladorn..." The voice which spoke from the robes please even Nethhiri's ears. The vocals were as soft as silken fabrics to her.

"Yes, Brook?" Eladorn replies to her immediately.

"We are going to the Tankard for the rest of your team?" Brook spoke as she lowered her hood from the top of her head.

"Yes. I've managed to find us a little rogue as well." He speaks with pride.

Nethhiri starts to feel a tension within her gut as though she was to be ill. She watched the others with caution. her hand is ready to dart to the holster if anything goes awry.

"Look kid, I wouldn't get too spicy." Brook says with confidence.

"Watch it." Nethhiri snarls at brook.

"Ladies, if you're going to fight, take it out of my tavern" Silicia stands at their table with pints full of ale, a ice shaped into a knife floats in the ale to keep it cool.

"Right." Eladorn says.

"Hey Brook." Silicia greets the water genasi.

"Hey Sil, what's up?" Brook replies.

The group is happily present of their ale. Nethhiri remains skeptical of her surroundings. Nethhiri knows about Silicia's dark past, she had known the fire genasi for over ten years now, Nethhiri remembers when she first saw Silicia working for Eladorn in the tavern. Nethhiri was not often noticed in these settings as her mission was always to be unnoticed.

"Well, I been doing the usual, running the tavern, we recently managed to get the upstairs set up as an inn." Silicia speaks with pride in her voice.

The tavern door swings open. A high elf stands in heavy metallic armor, to the appearance. He has twin swords hilted upon his back. His hair runs down his back and is a vibrant chestnut brown.

"Hello." The elf speaks in his gentle tone.

"Ah, Urivalur, you're here." Eladorn speaks to the elf.

"You've brought another into this mission?" Nethhiri asks.

"Thats right." Eladorn justifies her question with a reply.

"Well, are we ready for briefing yet?" Brook exasperates.

"We're waiting on the human, aren't we?" Urivalur asks Eladorn.

"Yes." Eladorn crosses his arms. "Speaking of which, they should be here by now.." His voice drifts off for a moment.

In through the door with a slam comes a man taller than Nethhiri. She felt fear of the silver armoured person, as they pull their helmet from their head. The human's face was revealed along with his firm chin and brown eyes. His hair is chestnut brown and short.

"I am Gordon." The man spoke, the swing of the door making itself announced with a slam. "I'm here for Eladorn, I received a summons."

"Seems to me you've got plenty of friends." Nethhiri says.

"You're a brazen demon." Gordon replies to Nethhiri.

"Enough both of you." Brook says as she brings up an orb shape of water.

"Now Brook, you know how I feel about water magic in here." Silicia says.

"Right." Brook brings the water back into unison with her own body.

"That is a neat trick, Brook." Nethhiri says as a compliment.

"Now, if we are done with being abrasive, kids." Eladorn speaks with firmness in his tone.

"Right." Nethhiri agrees.

Nethhiri has a bit of speculative caution when it comes to the rest of the group. She had never seen the likes of the elemental beings named genasi, however she figured out quickly it would be easy to find ones weakness. Every element has a vey of breaking into new forms of elements.

Urivalur gestures to the table and the group finds their seating. Nethhiri listens, not because of her seeing them as superior, but for her curiosity on why the need for so many different persons. It didn't make much a difference to Eladorn any of the individuals motives, he simply had a task that he himself needed done. Eladorn was already known for training heroes throughout the island, however eventually they move on in life towards other lands and other ventures.

"So, you bring a paladin to a demon to work beside?" Gordon sighs aloud.

"Yes, I have many rumors that I need to not only confirm, but if they are true, we need to unify a team of the best. That's why you are here. All of you." Eladorn sighs, signalling Silicia to get them all a round of ale.

"Alright." Urivalur says.

"I am a sorcerer, Urivalur has experience with infiltration and archery. He is very well respected in his race for everything he has accomplished in the northern regions of Alteria as of late."

"Thanks for my introduction, Eladorn."

"Nethhiri, across from me, is an expert at blending in and picking locks." Eladorn says, Silicia places the round of ale with ice knives in them before the group. Nethhiri never seen Ice magic like this before.

"I see." Nethhiri adresses. "Thats me."

"And that leaves our elvish archer. Urivalur." Eladorn explains. "He also has a knack for a few instruments."

"Right." Urivalur says in a rather bored demeanor. "I also can adapt my vision in darkness, with the nature of my race." He adds.

Nethhiri, Urivalur and the human exchange glances. Eladorn sits back in his chair as he has a drink from the pint he has been served by Silicia, as she seems rather prompt to want to speak. Nethhiri is analyzing everything that stands before her, the options and the mixture of accomplices. Brook is situating her bow onto the chair where she adjusts herself. She too begins to join in drinking the ale with Eladorn.

"What holds your from your drink?" Silicia glances to Nethhiri, taking note that even now the only human in the tavern even laid their common trust into her.

Whilst Eladorn is the one who truly understands the turmoil of taking partnership with Silicia, he needed to test the group in the actual field. He knew what was at the risk within the realm. He even held suspicions that it may even overlap into distant lands seeking the secrets their home had to offer. Silicia shared the interest in the history of this island.

Gordon sits with his blade washing it with an oil on a cloth. He says an enchanment under his breath that only Silicia and Eladorn recognize in the primordial language. It is a blessing for restrengthening the material. The incantation seems to be based on the idea of belief in the strength of the prayer. He asks the tree of life for strength in his mind to know more as he moves forward. To be one with his faith was the provider to his power. Eladorn could see what the human was up to.

Nethhiri has a moment to figure out the patterns in the room. It appears that nothing of concern is occuring from her analysis. Urivalur seems to simply be awaiting instructions. He secretly needed the money to pay his way out of the gambling debt he incurred in Ostoros. He had hopes that by working with this group that he would find ways to make this all be for their benefit.

"I am afraid to say I fear there is something at work within Alteria." Eladorn speaks softly.

The group leans towards Eladorn as the room feels heavier. Nethhiri can feel her stomach turn. She cant help but peer between Urivalur and Silicia. Something didn't sit right in her stomach about them in this moment. She had steadily kept a hand at the ready to draw her blade if needed for the rest of the night. Urivalur could sense something amiss with the group.

"So what are we looking at?" Brook breaks the tense silence.