"So this is the journal of Cherisé Rickards." Janine says.

"Yeah." I sigh. "So, what's in it?" I ask.

I lean back as she takes a look inside. The writing is too messy for me to be able to read. I know this is what normal handwriting looked like back then. I sigh thinking about the idea of having to learn that.

"She was a student." She says.

"Okay." I say.

"We told you that already." Daegwood sighs. "Are you sure we can learn about her through that old dusty thing?" He asks.

"I think so." I interject.

"Well, she wrote some of her first spells in the beginning of the journal." Janine says.

"Okay, maybe I was wrong." Daegwood says.

"Guys, just remember she was a person." Dad says as he comes in with a tray of biscuits and cookies.

"Fair." Janine says.

"What's the first spell?" I ask.

"Self levitation, if I understand it right." Janine says.

"That's cool." I smirk.

"She also put a note in here..." She says as she squints her eyes trying to read it. "It's addressed to you, Anthony." She adds.

"Let's hear it then." I say.

"As I walk this plane, in my dreams I can see, a warlock of my brothers kin, Anthony Rogers, it is time to awaken within." She reads aloud.

"Odd, I wonder why it seems like it is a current event." I say.

"It sounds like a spell." Daegwood says.

"Good thing I'm not a witch." Janine says.

"Well, either way. What else is in there?" I ask.

"If you want, I can take it home and type it out for you so you can read it for yourself." She offers.

"Alright. Would you do the same for the Grimoire? I have some curiosities." I say.

My dad gets up from the group heading into the kitchen and then I hear the back door open. He is humming as I hear him going back and forth. I get up to help him set up the barbeque. Daegwood and Janine come outside with me to keep my dad company.

"So, there is a lot in here talking about you, Anthony." She says.

"Really? I wonder why." I sigh.

"She did say she was seeing things to come in her dreams at one point." Daegwood throws out into the masses of new information.

"So then, she knew who I was before I was born?" I ask.

"It seems so." Dad sighs. "Never would I have guessed." He shakes his head.

Janine furiously is reading this journal. Almost as if she is working on the DaVinci code. I admire her wish to uncover the hidden mysteries of our family. From inside of the house, the doorbell sound travels to us.

I get up and go to the front door. I find myself curious as who would be coming by at this hour. It is not a part of our normal routines at all. I open the door to see the chief standing there.

"I need to talk to everyone. Are you all here?" He asks immediately.

"We are in the backyard, come on through." I offer him.

We walk through my house and I lead him to the others. When I turn to sit, the look on the chiefs face has changed. He is looking almost as if he is sick.

"She is alive." The chief says.

"Who is?" Janine asks.

"Cherisé." Dad says.

"You think that's possible?" I ask.

"I seen her in a traffic camera." The chief pulls a folder from his coat and shows us a photo from within.

"She hasn't aged..." Dad says.

"We believe it is possible she knew a necromancer. The death she had I believe was a part of her plans." The chief explains.

"I see." Janine says.

I feel so surreal. Everything is wrong. People don't come back from the dead. Do they? Can a witch actually surpass death? I have so many questions filling my head.

"The unexpected event that leads up to us knowing it is her, is the traffic photo of when we were in the interrogation room, shows her covered in blood walking the highway." He explains to us. The chief seems almost like he is stomach sick.

I feel a dizziness hit me. I can't place why. It feels like something has cast my head into somewhere that has no weight laws of physics at all. I feel strange. My heart begins to pound.

"Anthony, you don't look so good." Dad says.

"Yeah.. maybe I should go lay down." I reply.

"It's been a stressful day." Daegwood nods in agreement.

I only find myself to nod in reply. This feeling is overwhelming. My body feels numb. I feel high amounts of energy waving all through me. I stand up and start to go inside.

"I'll let you know when the food is ready, bud." Dad says.

I walk into the house, heading straight for my bedroom. The rooms begins to flip and spin when I close my bedroom door. Something is happening.

I take a few steps as the world feels like it is detached from me entirely. I take another step. The floor feels like water beneath my feet.

Each step is a struggle. I give in to the challenge and begin to crawl. My blood feels like it is searing my skin from the inside. The tingling becomes a sharp pain that hits each spot the tingling sensation was just a moment ago.

I writhe and fall to the ground. I clench my jaw, trying not to cause a scene. The urge within me to start shredding everything in my sight takes a hold of me. My vision taints red like blood is in my eyes.

I pant heavily as I try to keep my head while the pain assaults me. I only find myself praying for this to end. The searing blood in my viens begins to become too much.

I try not to make a sound, when dogs whimpering can be heard from my vocal chords. I shake my head thinking I am in shock from the pain. I feel something pulling at my waistband of my pants and I turn back and lunge at my doors lock. I toss my clothes off as they feel like they are suffocating my body.

The burning sensation eases a bit. I find myself calming down. The red coated vision begins to slowly fade.

"What the fuck was that about..." I utter to myself, panting heavily and coated in my own sweat.

'You've been awakened.' I hear a woman's voice enter my head.

"Huh? Where are you?" I say softly.

'You will know in due time, Anthony, young animagus.' The voice replies in my mind.

"Why can't I see you?" I ask.

'That is a different spell.' She says.

"Who are you then?" I ask.

'I am your awakening and your death to come.' She says. 'I am Cherisé.' She adds.

Great. She has a plan on killing me. I don't even know if I should be telling the others. I don't hear her voice for now.

"Damn..." I say as I begin to get into new jeans and a tee.

I begin to wonder, do I tell them? Janine should know I think. But, what if she thinks I'm like Cherisé? I can't let her know about this. No one can know. Not until either I kill Cherisé or she kills me. I have to try to play this cool.

I unlock my door and sigh. I have to be ready for life like this now. I can't seem all out of sorts. I head back to the others outside and the air feels cold as ice. The sharpness hurts. Is this what it means to be an animagus? If so, which animal am I to turn into? I wonder if I can pick?

"Hey, feeling better?" Dad asks.

"Yeah, I guess I just needed a drink." I lie.

"Fair. It is hot as hell today." Dad replies. "Do me a favour and grab a couple of Pilsners from the fridge?" He asks.

"Sure." I reply.

"Thanks." Dad and Daegwood speak at the same time.

The chief is reading the journal with Janine. I feel awkward even approaching them right now, so this is perfect for me. I slip into the house and make my way to our steel color fridge and take two bottles out. I sigh deeply. How am I going to keep this new secret?

"Okay, here we go." I say as I turn to go outside.

I walk through the door handing one to my dad. I walk to Daegwood and give him the other. My eyes feel like they burn in the bright light out here. I try not to let it show.

"Do you need glasses Anthony? You look like your straining your eyes." Dad says.

"Just a bit of a headache." I say.

Janine looks up from the journal and directly at me. I wave and she walks up to me. She knows something new it would seem.