"I thought that was just a high fantasy thing." I say.

"Look, every fantasy we know of on movies or T.V. comes from something. Legends and myths for example." He says.

"Like the ones based on history." I say.

"Exactly. However there is a legend of what we know to be called an animagus. A pack, animagi. However, we think Cherisé was an animagus of grand strength." He admits.

"Seems a bit far fetched for a cop." I laugh.

"You didn't see the bodies." He says with a cold tone.

"I wasn't born."

"True enough. However, let's say it was of supernatural sorts." He continues. "The bodies weren't only stabbed as they were clawed and bitten to pieces. They were partially eaten by the same animal. The animal also was the thing that pushed the knife into the dirt beneath its paw." He adds.

"So, it must have been heavy." I say.

"Animagus are people who can turn forms. From human to a feral beast of their choice. Some only can be wolves, others great beasts of myth." He says.

"So, you believe they exist? Next you're going to tell me you ruled out werewolves and vampires." I laugh.

He seems rather upset I am not taking him very seriously. Who could? A wolf-human or werewolf is just ridiculous. What lunatic let this guy on the police force?

"Well, there are legends of beings that did similar." He replies.

"Oh really?" Now he has my interest. "Do tell."

"They were known as skinwalkers." He says. "They were shamanism witches who would wear the pelt of one of their kills to shift forms into that animal." He explains.

"Sounds more detailed than the animagus tales." I admit.

"Scary part is, there are people who still claim witness to these things. So, we have to entertain the idea of something humanoid in appearance." He explains.

This is insanity. Just as I take another bite from the muffin, my dad, Charles Rogers, walks in. I honestly never thought I would be happy to see him come in when I am speaking to a cop. This is getting ridiculous and my dad should be able to reason this out.

"Charles." The officer says.

"Rob." My dad offers his hand to the officer.

"You know eachother?" I interject.

"Yup, went to school together in Westchester." Dad laughs.

"So, Charles, we think Cherisé may actually be alive." The cop, Rob says to him.

"What? That can't be possible, the magic of the bloodline would have ended when she died." Dad exclaims.

"Magic...?" I say quietly.

"Look Charles, Anthony and Janine need to know. How did they not know they are cousins?" Rob says angrily.

"Look, my brother and I decided it best to leave Cherisé in the past." Dad says.

"So that's why the chest was in Janine's basement..." I softly say.

"Wait, a chest?" Dad turns to me. "The one with her journal?" He seems in utter shock.

"Yeah, Janine found one, we went through it before they shot a man at the library." I explain.

"You can't be serious." Dad sighs.

"Charles, what do I not know?" Rob asks.

"Good question." I add.

"Oh boy. This is going to be a long story guys." He says.

I hear the door pop open once more as Janine and her dad, Daegwood comes through the door. Rob, the officer, grabs more chairs to seat us all.

"Let me guess, this is a double scotch night?" Daegwood says.

"Dad, please." Janine sighs as she sits down.

"Daeg, why was her chest in your basement?" My dad asks.

"What? You mean Cherisé?" He seems surprised.

"Yes." Dad says to uncle Daegwood.

"I found it in our basement dad." Janine says.

"Wait, do you didn't know you had the chest?!" Rob, the officer, seems to be even more surprised than us all.

"So why a group interrogation?" I interject.

The room goes quiet and they all look at me as if I am utterly clueless. Maybe Janine knows more than I do. I feel ridiculous.

"Because if Cherisé is in fact still Alive, they Animagi live." Rob says.

"What the hell? So the female lines carry the genes?" I ask.

"That's what it seems to be." My dad sighs. "This all happened when I was about your age, Anthony." He says.

"What all happened?" I ask.

"Good question." Janine says.

"God, we are related." I slap my own forehead in disbelief, I couldn't see it before.

"Well, Cherisé was out in the woods alot when we were kids. She was a bit of an adventurous type. One day she came back, different." My dad says.

"Yeah, eyes like a cat." Daegwood adds.

"Mom insisted this was normal, but no other women here ever had their eyes do that, until bodies started popping up." My dad says.

"Grandma was an animagus?" I ask.

"We think so. Otherwise the animagus theory falls apart." Dad explains.

"So, how could she be alive?" I ask.

"Man, you're on a roll today." Janine says.

"Hah, thanks." I reply quickly.

"Well, we wonder if animagi are capable of reanimation." Rob says.

"Exactly." My dad concurs.

The group comes to an agreement it seems. Things get weirder as the door to the room opens again with the chief coming in. He is carrying the chest. I shake my head and Janine is grinning. She must think something different than I. I personally wonder about how Cherisé had those abilities. Turning into an animal on command, that must be an interesting thing to do.

"Within the chest you found a journal, correct?" The chief says.

"That's right, Gean." My dad says.

"I wasn't asking you Charles." He clears his throat.

"That's right." Janine says.

"Thanks." The chief nods. "And I assume it looked fairly older?" He asks.

"Well, yeah." Janine says.

"I'd say it's old." I agree.

"So, does it make sense that entries are being added this year?" The chief asks.

"No." Me and Janine say at the same time.

"So she must be alive." He says.

"Wrong." I say.

"Pardon me?" The chief says.

My dad looks at me rather shocked that I dare speak to the child of police with such an abrupt statement. I outright know he is wrong though. It hints she could be alive, not that she is.

"What about the idea someone wants us to think she is alive?" I ask.

"Who would ever do that?" He jests my question.

"Well, think about it. She had to learn somewhere. What ever happened to grandma?" I ask.

"Well, she went missing in the seventies." Daegwood says.

"Really?!" Janine gets excited.

"Seems we have a couple detectives in the making." My dad says to Rob.

"I'd say. Clever kids." Rob agrees as he takes off his officers hat to reveal the sandy brown hair beneath.

"Well, does this mean we get to help?" I ask.

"No. You need to stay out of this. I appreciate all your honesty, but we can't let you do something like that. The dangers are too great." My dad and Rob say in unicen.

"Freaky." Me and Janine say in sync after.

The group laughs lightly as we all can tell this town has too close of friends at times. Even though the town is small, seeing bleak times, we find a way to make it easier on us. This town needs peace.

The door busts open and another officer stands in the way of the door to close again. He seems rather distressed. My dad looks to the officer then Rob. It seems it is clear, something is wrong.

"A body turned up on the east beach." The officer Announces.

"Damn." The chief puts the chest down and leaves the room with the other officer.

"A body, in Westchester?" I can't help but be a bit surprised.

"I know, unreal." Janine says.

"So, let's start going through the rest of the chest. I'm going to guess we can't keep anything." I say.

"Right." Janine says.

"This is gonna be good." I reply.

"You take after your mother there." My dad says to me.

"As Janine seems to take after me." Daegwood laughs.

Rob seems to be standing awkwardly. His gaze fixated on the key in the chest. He seems as if he isn't even experiencing this room.

"Hey Rob, you good?" Dad asks him.

"Rob?" Daegwood says after waiting a moment.

"Dad, is he okay?" I ask.

Daegwood goes to Rob. Rob's eyes seem to shift into a fade of what he was. Almost as if shadows washed over his eyes. My dad and Daegwood look to eachother.

"Who is it then?" Dad asks.

"I am Clara Montseni. Sister to Cherisé of the Blood Moon." Robs body says, though his voice sounds like that of an old woman's.

"Clara?" Daegwood says.

"Yes, Daegwood?" Rob's body replies.

"Where are you hiding the animagi?" Dad asks.

"That's for me to know. For you to try to find out, before the harvest moon." A old cackle leaves Robs body.

The sound of choking follows when Rob seems to be confused. He scrambles grasping to free his throat as he lifts to the air. My dad and Daegwood rush to him. They try to reach, but it is to late. I stare with wide eyes as Rob goes limp mid air, then dropping to the floor.