I sigh. The memory banks I have are slowly finishing the defragmentation process. I look around the room when the intercom fills the room with static.

"ARIA, assemble in deployment room. You have your loadouts readied there. I'll brief you on arrival." Priscilla says breaking the static with her speech.

"You hear her." I say as I make my way to the door. "Fall in."

We all leave the room and follow the halls. The steel walls and dim yellow lights make this place feel like it is always to remain under the surface of the world. Our unit remains a top secret profile. I only hope we get the opportunity to retrieve Lisa.

We all move fairly silent. You sooner hear the flow of air from the ventilation rather than our steps or engines. They have noise suppressants under the synthetic skins we have to make us even more stealthy. Originally we were only designed to bring Intel from destinations.

The design flawed when we had the lack of combat based capabilities. Which Lisa was the one who reccomended the additional information added to our learning capabilities. Who ever would have thought it would lead to her own kidnapping while in mission.

We walk to the yellow painted double door at the end of the massive halls. We know what we must do. The mission we want, is save Lisa.

"Let's find out what we are getting into this time." Betty says.

"Agreed." I reply.

The yellow doors screech open. Almost as if metal banshees filled the room in an instant. I simply lower the sensitivity of my hearing in my HUD by implicating my ocular cursor. I smile as I see Prisiclla awaiting us on the other side.

"Ladies, your going to love the toys you'll play with this time." She says to us.

Betty immediately begins to bounce with excitement. I only want to get to business. Celia seems to feel the same way.

"Are we on a rescue for Lisa?" Celia asks Priscilla.

"Well, if she's there." She replies.

Priscilla pulls out a tablet and projector hybrid. The technology allows us to display items of interest through augmented reality. The satellite map of a mountain range pulls up.

"Right. So, we strike Russia." I say.

"We are deploying you there, yes." Priscilla says.

"There's more though." Celia says. "There always is." She adds.

"We believe they have Intel on all of their newly constructed nuclear missile silos." Priscilla says. "If the suspected Intel is in the designated mapping way points that I am putting in your maps now, is correct, then we want you to make your way to Germany on foot." She adds.

"That's some distance for our batteries." I say.

"That's where your new toys come in." Priscilla smiles.

"Let's see them. Dazzle me." I say laughing.

"Right." She nods to me. "Warren!" She calls for this man, a slender but awkward person.

"Yes Priscilla?" He says after nearly falling when arriving at her side.

"Let's show the girls their new toys, shall we?" She says to him.

"Miss, I do stress these are nearly irreplaceable so, I wouldn't call them toys." Warren says as he shuffles his brown hair.

"Either way. Let's show them what they are getting acquainted with." She says.

They walk us to a blue square outline before pushing a button. We begin to go into the hanger below. The mission brief is being uploaded to our hard drives as we go into the hanger.

"Now, ladies, he has a point. these are prototypes. We would like them back." Priscilla says.

The gates open and there are augmentation suits, from what my immediate processing and scanning tells me. I grin. Betty is doing a mini arm pump.

"These are the first miniaturized mecha's." Warren introduces the suits. "These ones in particular will connect directly to your interfaces and will feel just like they are part of your hardware." He explains.

"So, it's faster, heavier, got more firepower and it even has an emergency eject then self destruct feature so that the enem y can't recover Intel from it." Priscilla adds to his explanation.

"The Russians won't see it coming." Celia says.

"That's not all." Warren smirks.

"That's true." Priscilla says.

"What else is there?" I ask.

"Mona, I am delighted it is you of all who asked." Priscilla replies.

"They fly." Warren chuckles.

"What?!?" I can't believe what my audio processing units are confirming as audio waves. "So how much battery will I burn?" I have to ask.

"Seeing as that is the units only downfall, we thought an adaptive use of suits for accessories would suit. The best part is that they won't use your power, but also charge your battery when it is not in the flight mode." Warren explains.

"So, how does it get powered?" I ask.

"The source is a internal micro nuclear reactor. That suit won't be running out of power for centuries." Priscilla explains.

"So what exactly is the radiation excretion reading?" I ask.

"Damn Mona, wanna just scan it for radiation at that rate?" Celia huffs.

"It actually is less than a cellphone." She answers my question.

"So that means we end up being safe to interact with for debriefing." I reply.

"Well, can we ship out now?" Betty interjects.

"Very well girls." Priscilla says. "You are taking the suits to the marker indicated in your maps." She adds.

"Right." Me and the squad say simultaneously.

We each are guided to our suits and shown how to plug into the suit. The crews back up as we all line up with our suits. I feel like this is a good moment for our squad.

"Suit up, ladies!" I command.

"Command confirmed!" They all reply at once.

I take a step backwards into the boots of the suit. I take a moment. I shove my arms against what looks like a back of a chest plate. Suddenly I feel the suit shift and begin clicking into my reception port at the base of my synthetic spine.

"Right." I say.

The suit begins to shift around me. It is hard to move at first. I can't even walk.

"What the hell?!" I hear Celia exclaim.

"You are struggling to move too huh?" I reply.

"Ladies, commence suit protocol, armory." Priscilla instructs us.

My processors immediately begin running their instancs to launch the software for the suit. Within a few seconds I can feel the platelets of the suit and how they move. Her suggestion worked.

The suit begins to shift over my lightweight body. It snaps and whirrs. I adjust my arms and wings begin to extend from my back.

The suit sends me its instructions which are synced without effort. The wings feel as of they are part of my shoulders when I move. I flex the wings about and try to get used to them.

"This thing feels weird." Betty says.

"We will end up used to these by the end of our mission." I reply.

"Yikes." Celia says.

We all line up. The hangar door opens. I take a deep breath as the new flight based HUD comes into my display. I wish I could see more but, I know these functions like the altimiter are neccessary for flying in the skies. I ponder for a moment, thinking about these suits capabilities.

"Priscilla, permission for data related inquiry?" I ask.

"Granted." She replies.

"Will these suits handle out-of-orbit missions as well?" I make the official inquiry.

"Ooo, Space suits." Betty exhasperates.

Celia and I try not to laugh at Betty's simple moment. Even A.I. Have their interests, that is what makes us so unique.

"We are looking at testing this when you return, actually." Priscilla smiles.

"Roger that." I say.

I walk forward to the door. I prime the nuclear reactor within the suit. I can hear the others initiating their suits as well. I can't wait to be in the air for the firs time without an aeromatics device! This suit makes me look similar to the humans reference of angels. Perhaps that was intended int the design of us.

"Ready for flight, girls?" I smirk as I ask.

Excitement is like a fire for me. I feel so overwhelmed by the power to fly in this moment. I believe what the humans intend this feeling to be, is joy.

"I am ready." Celia says.

"Ready." Betty agrees.

Rosie and Cathy seem to be taking their time running safety scans. I can't blame them. They know we are running prototypes into battle. It is a great risk, but we can deffinitely retrieve Lisa, our missed unit. The one unit that seems to bring a lot of balance into our particular squad. She may be our best chances of beating the Russians once and for all. We want to only liberate the people.

"Okay, I think I am ready now." Rosie says.

"Yeah, I'm ready." Cathy adds in her green light.

"Then, let's get to the Russians." I say with determination to retrieve my lost friend.