We wait by having coffee, tea and regular refreshments. Rosie part takes into the orange juices the human life forms rely on regularly during the fall seasons. Analytics indicate that this is to help build a resistance to bacteria and viruses. Information now logged as permanent files.

Reworking personality matrix... New update based on experiences presented. Continue update process... Update complete.

"Anyone else get the sudden wireless update?" Rosie asks us.

The door to this lounge swings open and the doorknob ends up lodged within the drywall. We all face the door. Of course, Cathy is right on queue.

"Yea. Lisa is missing and we aren't getting her, yet we are apparently on a mission to her possible location?" Cathy huffs.

"Nice deduction." Rosie says.

"I am impressed with that calculation." I say.

"Thanks Mona." She smiles at me.

Cathy has this gorgeous toned bronze like hair. She has hazel eye color and yet, she is the tallest of us, the most masculine and the hottest headed of the A.R.I.A. Units. Processing memory files of Cathy... Defragmenting...

"Something wrong Mona?" Rosie Asks.

"Some files are still defragmenting. I suppose my damage from the last mission was a greater toll than we had figured earlier." I say.

The girls can better aid me in our mission if they are aware of my memory integrity. We need to ensure I don't repeat the kind of damage I received in the last mission. We know how to protect ourselves well enough. now more than ever before in human history have they acquired such a valued asset to their survival.

"Roger. We are going to use diamond formation to help keep our efficiency up." Cathy makes her opinion known and we all nod in agreeance.

"Right. Mona is our leader so she should be center. I'll take point." Betty says.

"Without Lisa we will have to make Cathy our long range point in the rear." I say.

"Right." Betty agrees.

"That means I'm adjusting from combat shotguns to p90's." Celia says.

"Wait until we go to Priscilla for the map to confirm our loadouts." I say.