"I guess that means I'll need to gather the girls." I say.

"Right. You may go." Prisilla sighs with relief.

I understand that humans do not comprehend the capability nor potential of Artificial Intelligences like myself. I am not a harm to the humans, but too many films from their old fears tend to make an impression. Some fear I will turn on the human race and just leave the world to the other Artificial Intelligences like myself.

I get up from the charging bay they have me laid in. I can't fathom how humans can sleep voluntarily each night. It is counter-productive. I could not imagine requiring regular recharging like that. I was also designed to last up to ninety-two hours at a consistent time, before hitting my solar recharging backup. I also charge passively if I am travelling on a bright day.

I walk out of the light blue painted room and into the hall of a beige colour, following it to the end. I go through the door at the end and find my way up the next two floors in the stairwell I walk into.

I press the button just behind my synthetic ear and static his my ear. I have to check the communications relay unit I have inside of my head. I test again by pressing the button again.

"A.R.I.A. Units, This is Captain of your squadron. Report to Breifing room, new mission ladies." I say over my communications array.

"Good to hear from ya Cap'n." the familiar Texan accent replies to me.

"Roger that captain. You owe us a round for scaring us like that." I hear a Scandinavian accent pop into the channel.

I walk down the steel steps of the headquarters and find myself wearing a smile. As an AI I always simulate everything plausible of a human entity. Although some types of requests do not compute with the processing units I have. Even the other units would be incapable in some ways.

The girls and I always act like the humans. It feels weird when the humans see us in public and find out we are A.R.I.A. units. A.I. have been persecuted by groups of humans for years insisting we will eventually eliminate the human race. This logic does not compute with my programming. Even Today we have limitations as A.R.I.A. units.

I walk down stairs and find my navigation system engage by letting me know the best meeting point at this time is the lounge, where two units are currently doing biofueling. biofueling is the essential fuel process for back up energy if our batteries can not charge. A.R.I.A. Units are state of the art technology, according to recent studies in Russia and United States as they compete for the A.I. Cold War.

We units logically deduced war will inevitably be coming when Russia develops an A.I. squadron like ours. I don't even realize it while I think of these things, but I almost bypassed the lounge entry sudring my thought processing.

"Girls, let's get everyone in here within the hour." I make my statement.

"Command Confirmed!" The three girls sitting in the lounge affirm.

As we sit and wait for tracking to update every fifteen seconds, we silently sit in one another's company. There is no need to waste time on idle conversations. We don't consider what humas normally would for our exchange of information. we are Coded from logic, where as humans have true emotions which can effect their logic processing.

"Mona, can I ask where we are going this time?" Betty asks me as she gets up to make a coffee.

We notice caffination in our processing methods, we do actually simulate its effects. It is amazing how advance our robotic sensor arrays are. Scientists claim it impossible, be we when have dreams.

"I'll cover it in the briefing. You'll be happy with this mission." I smile softly.

"I'm going to guess it's relevant to Lisa?" I hear Celia grumble.

"Why did they install you with a pessimistic personality matrix?" I ask.

My processing already has caught up on C3L14. Celia was designed to simulate a humans stubbornness and skepticism. Celia is also the one who sounds like a Scandanavian. Now processing the previous encounters we faced:

2442- First Mission: Destination: North Korea

Objective: Extract Indian Prince: Target: Hulsad Ali Singh.

2445- Chernobyl Nuclear Material Extraction: Destination: Chernobyl, Kyiv Oblast, Re-United Russian Federation

Objective: Extract all radio active material safely. Main Objective: Plutonium Cores.

2446- Russian Jet Interference:

Destination: International airspace, Off France Airspace Border

Objective: Intercept and disarm the 12 incoming nuclear warheads inbound for North America as a continent.

Awarded: Significant Military A.I. Program of the Century.

2467-Memory Data Classified.

I stop looking over our history as my processors begin to run this in the back ground. I nod and Celia just glares at me, as per usual. visual referencing confirms the suggestion she is at normal behavioral points.

"So what, we are waiting on Cathy." Betty announces their thought.

"C47HY is en route, along with R0513." I reply.

C47HY is designated as our sniper specialist. they never miss a shot. it does not matter if you are going to shoot the fly off the top of a dog's head, she's the one you call. deadly accurate predictive formulas have been integrated into her ocular processors.

R0513 on the other hand, is really bubbly. don't let that attitude take you by surprise, she will burn down an entire town on my command. between use five, we are the main A.R I.A Units. We Are only down Lisa, then we would be at complete capacity. Lisa Was our engineer. if anyone could make a double A battery charge a robot, it would be them.

"What's up gang?" Rosie enters the room and we all wave.

"We await Cathy, and then new mission briefing." I announce.

"Mona, tell me we are getting Lisa back." Rosie demands of me.

If anything, she is the best of our emotional simulation software. Her red bangs cover her eyes but yet, you still see clear liquid like a humans tears. This doesn't work much with the other A.I. in the room, where her, I have gathered enough reason she is a prototype for the personal use in the general public.

"I can't. We need Cathy and then I have a mission to breif us on." I sigh and rub my forehead with three slow strokes.

"Cathy usually is the last one." I can hear Betty's texan accent kick into gear.

Its a spotty feature that was relatively new when she had it installed. She also continues to refuse to update that feature with a more recent simulation of the accent. It makes little logical sense, however we have been programmed to also seem human, which are beings that posess a way of living that includes things that we deem as illogical actions.

I sigh as we wait for a little longer. I can see the girls want to get down to business. I blink three rapid times to activate my location tracking module on the area that Cathy would be in currently.

"Are you even on your way yet Cathy?" I say as i press onto the top of my ear to radio her.

"Yes I am on my way." She says. "Got held up by some dumbass bike messenger trying to skip having to stop at the four way." She adds.

"Of course.." I sigh. "Leave it to Cathy to encounter a life at risk when on the way here." I say to the group.

"So then how long will she be? I may just order us a pizza." Rosie says.

"According to my sensors, estimated time, thirty five minutes." I say.

"Right, so, I'm ordering one. Anyone got objections?" Rosie says and the girls gather to her to talk about the food.

I sigh. I know we have a lot of work to do. The girls don't realize how busy we are about to get. If we are going to Russia, we may just be in to see the fight of our existence. I hope these girls are ready for the fight to come. We may have to utilize the idea of even adding upgrades to us for this particular mission. We shall see when Cathy arrives.

"Got anything in specific you want Mona?" Rosie offers.

"Get me a couple cans of soda, ill get ya back later for it." I say.

"Right." She goes back to checking out the order before she pressses her ear to call out to the shop.

"It seems like a lot is on your mind." Betty says.

"Yeah, you'll see why." I reply.

"Mona, is this about Lisa?"


"It may help her?"

"I dont know Betty." I reply.

"It'll be here in twenty-five minutes and so when Cathy gets here it should still be warm." Rosie announces.