A grieving mother, Sarah, receives a mysterious package on the anniversary of her daughter's disappearance. The package contains a chilling reminder of her daughter, sending her on a desperate quest for answers. As she confronts those she once trusted, she uncovers a dark secret that rocks her small town and forces her to take justice into her own hands.
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About Author
Kristyl parker
My imagination has always been my superpower, and ever since I was young I have loved to tell stories and entertain others. My imagination has always been larger than life and I am so excited to share it with the world. I am a mother of two amazing neurodivergent kiddos and I myself am autistic. While romance and fantasy hold a special place in my heart, I'm eager to explore any genre that sparks my imagination. I have developed my skills through years of writing stories to share with friends and family. I use my unique perspective of the world to craft just as unique and compelling stories.