The suit was enough to shield Tom’s body from the freezing temperatures. With his pack slung over his back, he began his journey toward the gateway leading to the Plersizians civilization. He glanced at the map the base had given him, all coordinates marked clearly.

<< And the door should be right in front of me >> he whispered, putting the map aside. Before him stood a towering snow –covered mountain with its peak lost in the fog. Tom smiled, accepting the new challenge.

Lancer had equipped him with all the tools he’d need for mountain climbing. After securing his equipment, he began the climb, conquering every rough or slippery surface nature threw at him. His Purpose was the only thing driving his every move, lurking in the back of his mind.

He picked up the pace driven by a selfish eagerness that made him rush. His foot slipped, his body nearly dangling in the void. But his muscles like instinctive saviors, reacted in time, saving his life once again. Not that he feared death. He just hadn’t invited it to come yet.

Calmly, he continued his ascent until his pale, white hands- turning slightly purple – grasped the edge of a cliff. With a burst of strength , he pulled his body up and collapsed face – first onto the frozen ground. The icy air chilled his lungs, and for the first time, he felt it affecting him negatively. He pulled out the extra jacket they had packed in his bag and put it on. Warmth quickly enveloped his body. After gathering his climbing gear, he stood up, staring down from the towering height. The majestic view of endless white earth stretched before him, gave him the fleeting feeling of being a god- a sensation he savored for just a few seconds.

Turning to continue his path, he spotted the legendary door in the distance. He hurried toward it with quick, eager steps. Noticing how a mix of snow had formed a sort of canopy over the structure. The building looked like it had its own tent. Peering through the small window in the center of the door he saw no trace of light inside. There was no lock, no keyhole, not even a security system.

“ It can’t be that easy !” he muttered to himself.

He ran his fingers along the sides of the door, searching for any gaps. He found one and began digging into it. He stopped when his entire palm could fit into the opening. Grabbing hold of the iron door, he pulled with force.. and it opened. A brief, spontaneous laugh escaped him and he started taking the necessary steps.

He secured one K25 knife to his thigh and slid another one into a holster on his belt – K25 was one of hid favorite tools, with its sharp, curved blade, perfect for executing its deadly purpose. On the right side of his belt, he fastened a pouch filled with golden bullets, and then – with pride he drew out his shotgun – a Beretta SX4- attaching a state-of-the-art silencer that had never betrayed him.

Tom pushed the door wide open, letting the biting cold embrace him as he stepped forward with his figure fading into the utter darkness.