The cuffs had been removed but his hands remained numb. Locked inside his cell with an iron door – no window, not even a slit for food- Tom quickly took note. The room looked more like a hospital chamber, all white with harsh lighting and furnished with just four pieces: the bed he was sitting on and a table with two chairs. Sighing, he lay back, dirtying the white sheets with his grimy uniform and the blood from his wounds.

<< I’ m entitled to medical assistance, you know! And I want it now! >> he yelled, wincing as pain crept across his face. The silence that followed annoyed him; it seemed no one had heard him. << Fine.. a good nap it is, then!>> he muttered to himself, staring at the white ceiling before closing his eyes. The voices in his head took over, swirling around him. << Shut up..>> he said, shifting slightly on the bed to get comfortable.

Silence returned, but a heavy weight immobilized his body. “ You embarrass me, you filthy brat! You disgust me! “ a man’s voice boomed, accompanied by the sound of a child crying, a woman screaming and loud chaos all around.

<< STOP!>> Tom roared like a wild animal, bolting upright, drenched in sweat.

Two white eyes were fixed on his. Two cold hands touched his face. Well-formed, colorless lips whispered words, forming the sentence “ Everything is fine” as a warm breath brushed Tom’s skin.

The fog of his abrupt awakening from a brief, deep sleep lifted, and his vision cleared. A Plersizian knelt before him with her hands tenderly caressing him as she gazed at him with compassion. Her white hair, streaked with silver, cascaded over her shoulders, carrying an exotic scent of vanilla and frost. Tom was dazzled by the radiant glow of her ethereal face, unable to utter a word. She spoke softly and the guards surrounding them lowered their weapons. His furious outburst had nearly cost him his life. The guards retreated, positioning themselves outside the cell.

Tom’s suspicions were confirmed- he was in the presence of their leader. The A-01. Instantly, his mind flashed to grabbing her by the throat and breaking her neck. Since he had no weapons, this was the only way he saw to eliminate her.

A-01 gently pressed a cloth to his face, cleaning one of his wounds. Unexpectedly, her gesture caused something within him to break. He grabbed her hand, stopping her. He felt her pulse. Tom froze for a moment. “ She is real…” he thought. He felt his muscles regaining their function and his murderous habits resurfaced. He instinctively began to squeeze her wrist. A-01 remained calm, and Tom looked into her eyes…feeling something weigh him down from within. Abruptly, he let go of her hand, pulling his away. For a moment, he regretted his action. She is lucky for leaving nothing but grime on her cold skin. He took a long breath trying to control the inner turmoil that her actions caused him.

<< I though you asked for medical treatment..>> she said with a sweet smile forming on her lips.

<< Go ahead!>> Tom replied bluntly.

<< If you allow me..>> her warm voice filled the air, a stark contrast to the cold Griff he’d met earlier.

<< Why are you helping me? >> Tom asked hesitantly.

<< I’ll transferring you to the human guest quarters, also.. Please, forgive Griff’s behavior. He can be a bit overbearing at times>>

<< Indeed, he made sure to introduce himself to me quite properly! >> Tom remarked with a hint of implication. A-01 shared a smile with him. The more he looked at her, the calmer he became.<< So, does this mean i am free ?>>

<< Well.. for me you are considered…our special guest. and I have arranged an unforgettable expedition for you to the realm of the Plersizians..For however long you choose to stay of course..>> A-01 said warmly, smiling as she pressed softly the cloth to a wound on his neck.

Tom was lost in the whiteness of her eyes. Her touches filled him with a compassion he had never felt before. “ What am I doing? What I am feeling? What even is this?!” his inner voice shouted wildly. “ Focus, Tom. You’re being manipulated by the target’s tricks. You’ re not their guest! You’re their enemy! She is just pretending! FOCUS! “ the voice finished, with Tom becoming serious, managing to rein in all the turmoil he was feeling.

<< My name is Mika.. Welcome, Tom Waltts>>

“ No. You are A-01!And I am here to kill you!” Tom thought as the real motive of his mission came rushing back to him: the Purpose.