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The Trials of Elara

Published by

George Gentle

The Trials of Elara by Geo1960
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She couldn’t remember how she got here. The room was dimly lit, with shadows dancing on the walls from a flickering candle. The air was thick with the scent of old books and something else she couldn’t quite place. She sat up slowly, her head throbbing with a dull ache, and tried to piece together the fragments of her memory.

The last thing she recalled was walking through the bustling city streets, the evening sun casting long shadows as she hurried home. There had been a strange man, his face obscured by a hood, who had approached her with a question she couldn’t now remember. Then, nothing

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About Author

George Gentle

As a seasoned professional who has enjoyed a successful career in the NHS, I have recently retired and am now dedicating my time to a new passion: writing children's stories. Inspired by my own grandchildren, I am crafting imaginative and educational tales that captivate their young minds and nurture their love for reading.


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