Edinburgh, a very small town full of many creative minds. We have a few social clubs and a few places to hangout, like the theater. We may not have fancy malls, but Bruswell up the highway has all the ammentities we would want.

Edinburgh was founded by some marine back in world war one. The idea was it was a out of the way military installation that wouldn't be expected from enemies. Since then, the town grew to be full of honest people.

Every town has its secrets, however. Who would've ever thought the biggest secret would be about the town just after the first world war. The thing many of us ask is what got them to found Edinburgh?

Edinburgh is on a river, the Hastings river. There are three fishing businesses set up with boats along the shore line of the river. There's no way to swim through the rivers current, as many have tried for decades.

This is Edinburgh, I am digging up their files. I have to find out what has been kept secret from us. Edinburgh seems to have no real news from the early days of its founding and there are only a handful of retirees who know anything about this town that is not on paper. I must bring this to the light.