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Do You Dream About Your Ex? by bumbleflylove

Do you dream of your ex? Do you dream of your ex while in a relationship? Do you feel guilty about it? Does everyone do it? Ponder some of these questions before reading.

Inception by mistressofthepuppets
145/5 (1)00

How do you cope with your life partner's departure? Sometimes you don't; sometimes, you dream.

It was just a dream... by AuthorRR23

Emma had a harrowing nightmare involving her stepfather pushing her into a body of water and watching her drown. It left her feeling extremely disturbed and anxious when she woke up. She went to school, but her mind was elsewhere, and her friend Noah, who is perceptive, could sense something was amiss. He took her to a secluded spot behind the school where they often talk and seek refuge. Emma shared the details of her nightmare with Noah, and he listened intently, visibly concerned. At this moment, Emma realizes what she feels about Noah as the story ends with a sweet plot twist.

Dream inside a dream by Eirinisar

A short story of what happend outside my country inside an other country at an other city with dreams and a crisis that completely changed my the worst!

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