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Hand In Hand by CourtneyLee1103

Courtney is deeply in love with her boyfriend, who has been struggling with stress and anxiety. As his worries disrupt their nights and weigh on their relationship, Courtney is determined to be his anchor, offering love and unwavering support. Through heartfelt messages and late-night conversations, she reassures him that their bond is unbreakable and that they will face whatever challenges come their way together. In a journey filled with vulnerability, strength, and commitment, Courtney fights to remind him—and herself—that love isn’t just about the good days, but about standing by each other through the storms. In the end, they find comfort in knowing that, hand in hand, they can weather anything life throws at them.

Forever.Bound " Broken Promises" by Writingmama87

In a world where love explores the boundaries of life and tests the resilience of young hearts, an unlikely teenage romance blossoms amidst the vibrant halls of high school. Journey alongside two captivating best friends, whose contrasting personalities ignite a fierce and extraordinary bond. As the flames of young love burn bright, fate intervenes, shattering their dreams and leaving them to navigate a harrowing journey of heartache.


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