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Elisabeth Edgell


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Elizabeth Val Rae was born in 1971, in Tipton Indiana. She was the oldest of 7 children. She finished her childhood in foster homes, and still went to college at Ball State University in 1989 for journalism. She also went to ivy Tech University for business, and Indiana Weselyn University for digital media marketing. She has two children, James and Chelsea, and a grandson Javen whom she loves more than life. After divorcing for times, she gave up on marriage and lived for herself. She was very happy, and spent her summers with her best friends in Muncie, Indiana at the WaterBowl. She is 53 years young, and currently owns a media blog, successful Facebook group, and manages and promoted bands and venues, to preserve live local music for everyone.

She believes in telling the truth, speaking for those who cannot speak for themselves, and that everyone had a story, you just have to be willing to listen to them.


Muncie IN

Elisabeth Edgell has not written a story.