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Dawn Lord


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Soulmate by Lordie71

A stranger sat at her table, claiming to be her soulmate. And as Trudie looked him up and down, she concluded he may well have been right, he didn’t discern himself from the other four men she had met at this speed dating fiasco. As her soulmate started to lean in, his breath beginning to warm her face and fill her nostrils, a bell sounded, and Trudie sat bolt upright. “Nice to meet you!” she said, offering her fore and second finger to shake his hand. Her mate took her hand and started to pull it toward him, she looked up, her expression to him said it all and he let go.  

Trudie leant back on her seat, reaching for her mobile phone, “I think you’ve got me next!” came a voice from above, Trudie looked up but aside from a mass of hair, the figure was obscured by a light above his head! Somewhat thrown, she dropped her phone back into her bag and apologised. “I was just checking my phone, “she started to say, when the voice responded, “To find out who to blame?” Trudie laughed, that is exactly her sentiment, but she cut short her laugh into a snort because she didn’t want to hurt the new person’s feelings.  


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