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Andrew Boyce


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The Antonine Romans Novellas. Exciting stories set in Roman Britain AD144.


The Antonine Romans and The Journey's End? by andrewboyce

Novella 9.

Princess Coral of the Cornovii Tribe has been killed whilst in the care of Tribune Lacitus at Deva Roman Fort. The uneasy peace between the Cornovii and the Romans is therefore under threat. Can Tribune Lacitus prevent a new war? If he can, he will be able to take up his new post in Rome and leave dangerous Britannia behind.

The Antonine Romans and The Bid For Peace  by andrewboyce

Novella 8. Deva Roman Fort (Modern Day Chester) is under seige. Tribune Lacitus must use all of his skills to escape the Fort and find the King to negotiate a peace face to face! Otherwise, Deva will fall!

The Antonine Romans and Deva: Roman Chester Awaits! by andrewboyce

Tribune Lacitus has received new orders to travel to Deva (Roman Chester). His mission is to save Deva from falling, with an attack from the local tribe imminent. Can Tribune Lacitus and his brother Centurion Antallius, survive and succeed? The seventh Novella. All of the Novellas standalone.

The Antonine Romans and Burnswark Hill by andrewboyce

A direct order from The Emperor - Antoninus Pius for the complete destruction of Burnswark Hill. Can Jamis be rescued before the brutal assault? The destruction of Burnswark Hill and the survival of Jamis with his Negotiation Skills, are seen as vital for success in The Northern Frontier. The sixth Novella. All of the Novellas standalone.

The Antonine Romans and The Gladiators  by andrewboyce

A Gladiator Fight at the Trimontium Amphitheatre, Scottish Borders, holds the fate of Tribune Lacitus and his family. His brother - Centurion Antallius has his own battles to overcome with the attack on Balmuildy Fort. The exciting fifth Novella in The Antonine Romans Series. All the Novellas are standalone.

The Antonine Romans and The Tribune's Mission  by andrewboyce

The fourth Novella.Tribune Lacitus must use all his skill if he is to save himself, his brother Centurion Antallius of Balmuildy Roman Fort and his father Senior Tribune Rexis of Trimontium Roman Fort. All of the Novellas standalone.

The Antonine Romans and The Redemption  by andrewboyce

AD144 The Antonine Wall, Caledonia, modern day Scotland.Battles rage amongst individuals and armies. The third Novella in the Antonine Romans. All of the Novellas standalone.

The Antonine Romans and The New King  by andrewboyce

AD144 The Antonine Wall, western Caledonia, modern day Scotland. Chaos reigns as the Scots seek a new King. As a whole and as individuals, the Romans and the Scots battle it out. The second Novella. All of the Novellas standalone.

The Antonine Romans and The Golden Torque  by andrewboyce

AD 144. The Antonine Wall in Western Caledonia, modern day Scotland, has been standing for two years. Centurion Andronicus and Optio Scrivinus have recently been assigned to the Roman Balmuildy Fort and are attempting to improve the men's fitness and discipline.Soon both the old and the new world collide. The Romans find themselves amongst the native tribal chiefs of Jamis, Aritan and Callun. In peace or war can either side survive? Please leave a nice review! A second Novella to follow!

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